Last Saturday, August 1, was
Swiss National Day ("
Schweizer Bundesfeier" or "Nationalfeiertag" in German).
Swiss nationals and friends of Switzerland all over the world held celebrations. One of these celebrations was at the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, DC.
Hosted by the Swiss Club of Washington, DC, the event included Swiss music from alphorns, and fife and drums; lampion (paper lantern) parade and bonfire; flag swinging; tombola (instant-win raffle) and Swiss food. A recorded address from the Swiss
Confederation President, Ms. Simonetta Sommaruga, was played, and Ambassador Martin Dahinden also made an
address to mark the occasion.
Jessica Lutz, the Swiss ice hockey player who helped Switzerland win the bronze medal at the
2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Here are a few quick photos I took:
Flag swinging and alphorns. |
The flags of the 26 Swiss cantons were flown. |
Ambassador Dahinden making his remarks. |
Ambassador Dahinden made his remarks in front of a banner showing the Matterhorn.
2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the first ascent to its peak. |
Lampion and bonfire. |