Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Website: Vokabel.com

Vokabel.com describes itself as a website for "vocabulary training exercises." The website has vocabulary quizzes for words from various categories (like "Animals" or "Future Tense). The user can also create their own vocabulary quiz using the words they want to practice with.

When you select a category, you are given a word and then must type the translation into the box. You can choose either to be given either a German or an English word, for which you enter the translation (you  can also choose to be tested on French or Spanish words). The program provides the correct answer, and keeps track of how many you got correct, and how many you got wrong. You can choose to be retested on words you got correct. The author, Rene Kondratzky, states (in the Author's Welcome page) that this technique is meant to emulate the flash-card technique.

Note that the answers use only the "standard" characters, meaning that ΓΌ would be written as ue. 

You can also create your own test using your own words with Create Your Own Test. You can add up to 100 words to the test. You can also save your test for use later.

Also check out the site's Favourite Links page for language and travel links, and the Reference Materials for a bibliography (books used to create the quizzes, which may be of interest to you).

What did you think of the website? Post it in the comments below!