Sunday, March 10, 2013

Einen Clown frühstücken?

Haben Sie heute einen Clown gefrühstückt?

Yes, the question above translates into English as "Did you have a clown today for breakfast?"

Of course, the phrase "einen Clown frühstücken" is an idiom and has a figurative meaning.

But the phrase can have several different meanings. It can refer to someone who isn't known to be funny but just made a joke. It can mean someone who is being inappropriately or unusually funny or silly.

More information can be found here:
Also, Axel Hüpfer, a company who makes other funny products, made Clown zum Frühstück honey, so that you can eat a clown for breakfast every morning. See Clown zum Frühstück Honig and Hier wird ein Clown zum Frühstück verspeist.

Are you going to use this phrase today? Post your comments below!