Sunday, February 12, 2012

DeutschOnlineLernen Youtube Course

DeutschOnlineLernen is a 20-part video course for beginning German on Youtube. The course covers basic German grammar concepts, such as noun gender and declension, basic verb conjugation and more.

A couple of sentences introduce each lesson; translations and vocabulary lists follow, reviewing and introducing the words used in the lesson. A basic grammar explanation is also given. A few translation exercises at the end review what you've learned in that lesson.

The videos are done in a "slideshow" format, similar to watching a PowerPoint, with audio. The voices used are clear, and the video and voices go very slow so it's easy to keep up and understand what's being said.

I feel that the videos might be good review for basic German grammar, rather than trying to learn the grammar from the video itself, since it might help to have some more explanation of the grammar when first trying to understand it. Also, in the vocabulary lists, the genitive endings are included along with the plural endings, which might be confusing, since the genitive isn't used or explained until later videos.

Overall, good videos for reviewing basic grammar concepts and picking up a few new words.

See lesson 1 of the course here. Write your own review of the course below!

(I will review the companion website,, in the next blog post.)

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